Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Do Over! After Session giveaway!

I recently came across a photo studio in Germany who is giving away a free photo shoot to the couple with the worse wedding photos and wedding photo experience. So I asked her if I could steal her idea and here it is.
We will give away a free ( j ) After Session to the person with the most tragic wedding photo and wedding wedding photo experience. It can be in the last month or ten years ago.
once we receive all the images and read the stories, we will pick a winner.
The winners get dressed back up in their wedding attire and off we go. If you hate your wedding dress, lets trash it!
So here is how you do it:
Send us an email to info@jonesphotoart.com. In the subject line put "Do Over."
Attach a copy of your wedding image and send it to us! The deadline for submission is September 30th!

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