Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Love and Frozen yogurt

Brianna and Sam had their first date in the nob hill area and ended up walking along Central Ave, following the arrows on the sidewalk into Olo yogurt. Not long after that they were engaged and planning their wedding.
For their connection session they took us back to Olo and we were able to enjoy not only some great frozen yogurt, we had great company with two people so in love!
It is so much fun to be able to hang out with a sweet couple like this. It's fun to see them interact with each other in that "twitterpated" kind of way!
They are getting married this Friday and we are excited to be able to photograph at the Albuquerque LDS Temple. We haven't photographed couple out there for a few years.

We have known Brianna's family for many years now. I was able to be a stand in Dad for two of Brad and Janet's daughters for a Daddy Daughter date at church, when brad and Janet were on a business trip. (yes Bard and Janet, Like Rocky Horror, but so not like Rocky Horror)
Anyway, Brianna is the first in a loooong line of daughters to get married. 7 to be exact. I am having a hard time imagining planning the wedding for our daughter, who is barely 15 months old.
So Janet and Brad we love you two but don't envy you all the wedding planning.

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