Tuesday, June 28, 2011

wrappers and a cool breeze

The stack of dove wrappers under my monitor rustled under the breeze from the Lasko tower fan that sits behind me. The A/C at the studio works well but I still  need the extra breeze to keep that constant cool on me.
I hear the thin foil wrappers rubbing together and know that there are inspirational messages begging to be read. As trite as they might be, sometimes I feel that they were meant just for me. It's like having a bad day and opening the scriptures at any random place and hoping there will be a bit of divine intervention guiding my hand to an inspirational message that will lift my spirit.
I reach for the wrappers and inadvertently touch the very sensitive power button on the bottom of the monitor, shutting it off. I cuss and try to turn it back on. There is no set button, just an area that senses my touch. It gets me more aggravated. 
I take the stack of blue and silver wrappers and begin to read.
"Be Fearless"
"encourage your sense of daring"
"It's OK to slow down"

I think' that's right dangit, if Mars inc. tells me I can slow down, then by gosh I can slow down.'
Then reality sets in and I look at the stack of things I have to do. I realize that mars makes chocolate, and when it comes to Dove, they make a pretty good chocolate. So, what do they know about life anyway...
Then I do it.
I slow down, eat a chocolate, maybe not Dove, maybe a Lindt or Milka, you know the good European kind.
For just a minute as the warm chocolate melts in my mouth and the soft breeze from the fan cools my skin, I feel awesome. I feel capable; capable of conquering the world, or at least knocking a few things off my to do list.
Then I go home step on the scale and think, 'Damn Chocolate!'

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