Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's day is kind of a polarizing Holiday. People either love it or hate it. Desiree and I are in a funny situation, you would think as much as we are in love and as much a we work with love we would be big fans... we are not so much.
Valentines day was named after a few Saint Valentines who were early martyrs in the catholic church. There are many stories surrounding these saints and as 3rd century history can be it's all a bit sketchy. But one of the more popular stories is about a young priest who secretly married soldiers during a time in Roman history when soldiers were required to be single, as Caesar thought it would lend to them being better soldiers.
Valentine and the mystery of all three of their persona made them  one of the most popular of saints in the 13-14th century.
At the time there was also a pagan celebration, (if it weren't for pagans the world would have no holidays, right?) the Lupercalia celebration was one of being twitterpated, to use the Disney vernacular. Mid Feb is the time that birds in England and France were observed starting to hook up.
  As with Christmas, the Christians of the dark ages hijacked the holiday and looked for something to celebrate. As with Christmas, it had no correspondence to the actual date of the christian events they wanted to celebrate. Anyway, they set up the feast of St. Valentine on the 14th of Feb. Since one of the Valentine legends revolved around love and marriage...there you go.

Anyway, one of the first written valentines was written in the early 1400's by the Duke of Orleans to his wife in the tower of London.

Well enough of the history, why don't I like it all that much. Well, it's kind of like a man's get out of jail free card. They can spend the rest of the year treating their wife/girlfriend the same, and then on that one day they go out of their way to do something special and think it's ok.
It's not. Well it's OK when they book a session for their significant other you know, just keeping it real.
We should all be more considerate of our spouses the entire year long. Valentines should not be the one day you give flowers, chocolate, love poems. I am guilty just the same. I know I could do more for Desiree on a more regular basis. I am really going to make a better effort from now on.

So maybe that is something we can give to our spouses; a commitment to love and cherish them every other day of the year.
So for all of you who love V-Day Happy V-Day! if you hate it, good on ya. Either way, if you are in love express it, share it, give it. Give it every day!

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