Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Um, yes... that's us, we're kinda cool!

So we recently were super excited to hear that the results for the International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers summer 2011 photo contest were in, and three of our images were received recognition in the top of their categories.
We had an image place 4th, one place 9th, and one place 18th. For an international competition with THOUSANDS of entered images, that's pretty dang good. The top 20 images in each category are recognized and displayed, so anything above 20th place is an honor!  The competition was judged by a hand full of international photographers, and there are some amazing images.
ISPWP is about being a brilliant wedding photographer. That encompasses a lot of styles of photography from fine art to photojournalism. The photographers represented here are truly the worlds best at what they do.

Anyway, here are the images and the who, what, how's of  each image, for those curious.

 This first image is obviously from Paris. The story of how this all came about is a long'n so I'll just cut to it. It is taken from the top of Trocadero looking back into the heart of Paris. It was in the middle of some recent protests so the plaza was full -FULL of people. I had Gena and Curtiss climb up on top of a fountain with me so that I could get an angle of the statue them and the tower. People did watch, fortunately the police that were nearby didn't chase us off of the fountain!  Desiree was down below in the throng of people photographing up at them against the buildings that flank the plaza. It's a European plaza, so there were naturally pigeons, which just added to the image. Our time photographing in Paris was short, but we had such a beautiful time! We can't wait to go back.
 This image was from one of our favorite connection sessions. Well, they are all our favorite, but this one was a themed shoot and whenever we can do a themed shoot we (at least I ) get all excited. So when Tom and Alicia said they wanted to do a classic military feel... COO-OOL!
Anyway, this image was taken on base at Kirtland inside of an airplane hanger. The light coming through the windows is from the setting sun. Desiree and I looked at this image and we had both done similar images and at this time I think, but we are not 100%, that Desiree photographed this with my camera... while I captured some video with hers. Anyway, there is a slideshow is on youtube:
So, this image is of a super fun couple Adam and Jenna. We were at a winery here in town in between the ceremony and reception and we had a ton of time to do pictures, which is awesome!!! Anyway, Desiree had them up on the balcony overlooking the vineyard and I shot them from below. On her way in she noticed the big wooden doors. and the little windows and the perfect height for a really cool image of Jenna and Adam. So on her way down she radioed me to wait for them in front of those doors and, well it just all worked out! I think I did have to Photoshop Desiree out of the second window, but again, it all worked out!

Anyway, people often ask us about images and so I thought I would just take a sec to describe these! I think They were all shot with a Nikon D-700 and I think the lens on all of them was a 50 f1.4, one of my favorite lenses!!!


Rori said...

You two are my favorite! You work is beautiful, your images portray a story, you make a wonderful team, I shed many tears over the beauty your work and how it touches my heart! Congratulations for the well deserved recognition!

Jerzy Modrak said...

These are some of the best wedding photographs I've ever seen.

Unknown said...

Thanks Rori!
Jerzy, Thank you that is a humbling compliment and we truly appreciate it!

sarahlove said...

Ohhhhhh lala! I dream of Paris! One day.....

BEAUTIFUL work. Love the Paris one!

I also love the originality of your vintage plane session- no matter how much people try to copy you- they. just. can't.

You radio to each other?! Okay. I've been wanting radio headsets forever with my assistants! You are the coolest!!