Monday, October 10, 2011

Struggle, What's it all worth! (a personal blog)

This blog post is on a more personal note and I likely won't include an image... sorry! but for those of you who hang on through this, I hope you will gain something from it.
I recently taught a Sunday school lesson at church. I was given some resources to teach from but no specific topic. I randomly, so I thought, picked out a subject on overcoming trials that we face in life.
We are all punished or blessed with trials, whether we are punished or blessed depends purely on our perception. I have, for the longest time, been in the punished and persecuted camp. Recently, my paradigm has shifted and I am now under the impression that the trials we face in life our for our benefit. As hard as they may seem, it really is true, at least regarding life's struggles, that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
I learned a lesson recently about faith from a relative through marriage. She lost her son in a car accident. He was 15 and was struck by a car. It was purely accidental. He showed early signs of making a strong recovery but suffered complications and passed away several days after the accident. The response from his mother was strong and heart warming. She expressed her faith in her creator that her son was now in a better place; free of pain and trials. We all know that, inside, this poor mother suffered a deep sorrow, but she also rejoiced in the fact that she knew where her son had gone. Had we all the humility and understanding of this woman. The humility to know of our place in the great plan of eternity.

What defines us is not the trials we face but how we face those trials, how we endure those things that are placed upon us. Do we wine and complain because we are discontent with our station? Do we tolerate life and it's struggles? Do we use those struggles we face as a way to better our life? Well, if we took hold of those trials, suffered their effects and then took a look at our selves and decided how that trial is going to help us grow into a better person, that attitude would change the world. We would all be on a constant path of self betterment. Peace would prevail, starvation would cease, and we would all grow together as a people. Just think about that for a minute.
Anyway, recently I have decided to make some personal changes and try to be a better husband, father, friend, businessperson, photographer, and human being. Change is not easy and can sometimes seem an impossible task. But line upon line, step by step, we can all change anything we would like about ourselves. My physical appearance is changing, I have recently lost 20 lbs. This weekend I dedicated to changing my spiritual body. This process seems as hard if not harder that the physical changes. My mental state is another issue altogether. I think I'm going crazy and I'm not sure how to change that, but I'll work on it.
So anyway, face your struggles, face em head on. Look at what you need to learn and learn it. Don't pray for more trials but pray to be lifted up and strengthened in order to face the trials you have.
So did I pick this lesson or did this lesson pick me? I believe in divine intervention and I believe that I was meant to teach this lesson so that I as a teacher could also be the student and learn more about myself, about life, and about faith.
Thanks for letting me take a minute to write this and get it out. it may make no sense to you at all but in my broken few minutes I have this morning, it's what I wanted to express.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your blog gave me chills this morning. Thank you for sharing your insight and struggle. We ARE here for a reason. So nice to hear others are spread AND living the word of God.
